Section 4: VM Installation and Configuration

Section 4: VM Installation and Configuration

NOTE:  During the steps below and within the VMs, test the mouse, touchscreen, touchpad, pen (if applicable) and record any functionality issues.

4.1)  Successful creation of VMs from DVD.

a)  Power up the system.  At the OpenXT main screen, select either the large Install VM in the middle of the screen or the Install VM icon in the top left corner.

b)  In the Create local VM window, type in a VM name.

c)  Use the drop-down to select the appropriate template.

d)  Type a description in the Description field.

e)  Click Next and  select an icon.

f)  Click Next and enter values for the Memory and vCPU (or keep the default).

g)  Click Next and keep the default for the Virtual Disk Size and the Disk Encryption (AES-256).

h)  Select the appropriate Wired Network.  Click Next.

i)  Insert an installation disk (Windows 32 or 64 bit) and ensure CD-ROM is selected.

j)  Click Finish to start the installation.

k)  Complete the installation.

l)  Repeat the steps above to create a second Windows VM (if the first VM is 32 bit, use a 64 bit Windows install disk for the second VM).

i)  For the second VM, do NOT use Disk Encryption and use a different network (if applicable).


4.2)  Successful installation of XenClient Tools (32 & 64 bit).

NOTE:  The XenClient Tools should be installed on both 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows.

a)  After successful installation of a VM, start the VM.

b)  In the Windows VM, Open up Computer (Start --> Computer).

c)  A virtual CD drive should have OpenXT-Tools.  Double click on it.

d)  Double-click on the Windows folder and then double-click on Setup.exe.

e)  Accept all licenses and if required, install .NET 4.0.

f)  Restart and login to the VM as required.

g)  Install device drivers as it prompts you (e.g., mice, storage controllers, etc...).

NOTE:  On 64 bit Windows systems, the drivers will install; however, upon reboot, it will reject the self-signed drivers that come with the OpenXT Tools and will uninstall them.  

To get past this issue, you can either acquire an officially signed copy  of the OpenXT Tools or when rebooting, press F8 to access the boot menu.  From the menu, select 

"Disable driver signature enforcement" (this will be required during every reboot).

h)  Restart the VM again as required.

i)  In a Windows system, a small OpenXT Plugin icon should appear in the system tray.


4.3)  Verify functionality/stability of changing number of virtual CPUs.

a)  Shut down the VMs.

b)  On the OpenXT main screen, hover below a VM icon and select Details.

c)  Click on Hardware on the left hand side.

d)  Change the vCPU to either more or less than the original value.

e)  Click Save and then Close.

f)  Start the VM.

g)  Login to the VM. 

h)  Open and use multiple applications.

i)  Note any error windows or other issues that arise.

j)  Shutdown the VM.

k)  Use the steps above to return the vCPU setting to its original state.


4.4)  Verify functionality/stability of changing memory value.

a)  Ensure the VMs are shut down.

b)  On the OpenXT main screen, hover below a VM icon and select Details.

c)  Click on Hardware on the left hand side.

d)  Change the Memory to more than the original value by at least a GB.

e)  Click Save and then Close.

f)  Start the VM.

g)  Login to the VM. 

h)  Open and use multiple applications.

i)  Note/record any error windows or other issues that arise.

j)  Shutdown the VM.

k)  Use the steps above to return the Memory setting to its original state.


4.5)  Verify the Info button information.

a)  Software Tab:  Verify the OpenXT Version/Build number and the Tools CD version.

b)  Hardware Tab:  Verify the following is correct:

i)  Vendor

ii)  Model

iii)  BIOS Revision

iv)  Total Physical Memory

v)  Total Disk Space

vi)  Physical CPU Model

vii)  Physical GPU Model (should list all graphics cards in the system)

c)  Networking Tab:  Verify the Wired (onboard) and Wireless (if applicable) Network Interface Cards (NIC) are listed.




NOTE:  Ensure OpenXT Tools have been installed on all VMs.

4.6)  Verify removal/addition of a Network Interface Card

a)  On the OpenXT main screen, click on the Network icon in the top right of the screen.

b)  Select Connection Information.

c)  Note/record the MAC address of the add-on NIC (should know by IP address).  Press Close.

d)  Select Details on the VM that is associated with the add-on NIC.

e)  On the left menu, click on Networks.

f)  Note/record the Network (e.g., /wired/1/bridged).

g)  Verify what MAC address is associated to what Network (/wired/?/bridged).

i)  Press Ctrl-Shift-T to open a terminal.

ii)  Enter the correct password.

iii)  Type nr and enter the correct password.

iv)  Type cat /config/db and press enter.

v)  Look for the wired subsection and note the number at the beginning that correlates to the MAC address.

NOTE:  The number is the "?" in the Network (/wired/?/bridged).

h)  Shut down OpenXT.

i)  Remove the add-on NIC and replace it with another.

j)  Turn on the OpenXT system.

k)  At the OpenXT main screen, click on the Network icon in the top right of the screen.

l)  Select Connection Information.

m)  Verify that the add-on NIC has a different MAC address.  Press Close.

n)  Verify what the new Network is, that is associated with the new MAC address:

i)  Press Ctrl-Shift-T to open a terminal.

ii)  Enter the correct password.

iii)  Type nr and enter the correct password.

iv)  Type cat /config/db and press enter.

v)  Look for the wired subsection and note the number at the beginning that correlates to the new MAC address.

NOTE:  The number is the "?" in the Network (/wired/?/bridged).

o)  Start up and login to the VM with the add-on NIC.

p)  Networking should be down with the Windows VM (red X over the networking icon in the system tray).

q)  Shut down the VM.

r)  Select the Details on the VM that is associated with the add-on NIC.

s)  On the left menu, click on Networks.

t)  Confirm what network is being used (should be the same as before).

u)  Click on the Remove button and confirm.

v)  Click on the Add Network button and select the new network.  Click Add.

NOTE:  The original one that you removed will not be there.  The valid networks available will have changed

(a new one should have appeared such as /wired/2/bridged).

w)  Click Close.  Start and Login to the VM.

x)  Verify that networking is now working within the VM.


4.7)  Add a USB device and test connectivity/functionality.

a)  Within a Windows VM, connect a USB device (other than a CD/DVD reader/writer).

b)  Click Start --> Computer.

c)  The USB device should appear.

d)  Use the USB device (e.g., external HD:  access/copy/create/delete files).


4.8)  Test USB device disabling.

a)  Press Ctrl-0 to go to the OpenXT main screen.

b)  On the VM that you just verified USB functionality, click on Details.

c)  Select Advanced from the left menu.

d)  Scroll down until you find USB Access and use the drop-down to change the selection to Disabled.

e)  Click Save and Close.

f)  Restart the VM.

g)  Login to the VM and ensure that the USB device is NOT available for use.

h)  Unplug the USB device and plug it in different ports (front and back) to see if it appears.

i)  Use the steps above to return the USB device access to its original state.


4.9)  Test USB device pass-through capability (assignment). 

a)  On another Windows VM, verify that you can access the USB device (may have to disconnect device, go into the VM and then reconnect).

b)  Press Ctrl-0 to go to the OpenXT main screen.

c)  Click on the Devices icon in the top right of the screen.

d)  Verify that the USB device that you are testing with is listed under the USB Devices section.

e)  Click the drop-down under Assignments for your device and select the VM that you verified access.

f)  Click the checkbox next to Always use with this VM.  

g)  Click Save and then Close.

h)  Open the VM that you assigned the device to and ensure that it is available and can be used.

i)  Open the other VM that does NOT have the device assigned and ensure that it is not available for use.

j)  Unplug the USB device and plug it back in.  Verify that it is still not available for use.

k)  Use the steps above to return the USB device access to its original state.


4.10)  Test PCI pass-through on added Display Adapters.

a)  Ensure the VM you plan to pass-through a video card is powered off.

b)  From the OpenXT main screen, click Details under the VM and then select PCI Pass Through to access the PCI devices available to assign to a guest VM.

c)  Click the Add PCI Device button and select the video card you wish to pass through.

d)  Select Hardware from the left menu and use the drop-down to change the 3D Graphics (experimental) field to Enabled.  Click OK.

e)  Click Save (Press Continue to the warning about it being experimental) and Close.

f)  Start up and login to the VM that you just passed through the video card.

g)  Install the correct drivers for the VM Operating System and video card (Task 4.11).

NOTE:  These directions are for installing the drivers for an ATI/AMD video card.  Directions for installing other video drivers may vary.

i)  Copy the ATI/AMD installer to the Desktop.

ii)  Double-click the installer and press Install.

iii)  The installer will extract the installation files to a specific directory (e.g., C:\AMD).

iv)  At the Welcome screen, press Cancel and confirm.

v)  Browse to the directory that the files were unpacked (C:\AMD\AMD-Catalyst...).

vi)  Open the Config directory.

vii)  Open the InstallManager.cfg file with Notepad.

viii)  Near the bottom of the file, there is the entry, "Workaroundinstall=false".  Change the false to true.

ix)  Save the file and exit Notepad.

x)  Go up one directory and double-click the Setup.exe file.

xi)  Choose a Custom install and select only the Display drivers and the Installer Manager (others may be dimmed out since they are required).

xii)  Complete the installation and reboot.

h)  The VM should be displayed on the monitor attached to the passed through video card.


4.11)  Ensure GPU drivers can be installed successfully (see Task 4.10).


4.12)  Successfully run 3D Mark Benchmark application on passed through add-on Display Adapter (e.g.,, Heaven, Monster Hunter).

a)  Install a 3D Benchmark application on the VM that has the video card passed through (you may have to install MS Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package).

b)  Run the 3D Benchmark application.

c)  Note/record any errors (Depending on the video card, performance many vary).


4.13)  Test common user application(s) that can utilize special hardware (e.g., Google Earth) on the VM that has the Video card passed through.

a)  Install and run application.

b)  Note/record any errors.


4.14)  Test additional Peripherals - Windows OS (e.g., CAC Reader, Webcam device, USB flash drive)


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