TXT Testing TBOOT 1.8.3

TXT Testing TBOOT 1.8.3

Copyright 2015 by Assured Information Security, Inc. Created by Ross Philipson <philipsonr@ainfosec.com>. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

Test Instructions:

Use a build that has the new TBOOT 1.8.3 (currently http://openxt.ainfosec.com:81/builds/master/ext-dev-288-master).

  1. In the systems's firmware/BIOS setup program, clear the TPM (the details are system specific). It may also require you to disable TXT. This may take a few reboots.
  2. Ensure the TPM is active (after clearing it) and TXT is enabled before going on. Checking this then do a full power cycle (cold boot) before going on.
  3. Install OpenXT using the "Advanced Install" option. Select the option to setup measured launch when asked. If the installer fails to boot (hangs/resets system) see "What To Do".
  4. After reboot as OpenXT is starting, there should be a message box that says "Resealing...". If there is no error here, the system will reboot automatically. If there are errors see "What To Do".
  5. After reboot, OpenXT should boot to the UIVM with no further messages or problems. If there are errors or problems see "What To Do".
  6. The UIVM should have a green icon in the lower left corner. Hovering over it will report that "Measured Launch succeeded". If this is not the case or there are error messages see "What To Do".
  7. Shut the system down and then start it back up (S5). If there are any hangs, reset or other problems, see "What To Do".
  8. Put the system into hibernate then resume (S4). If there are any hangs, reset or other problems, see "What To Do".
  9. Put the system to sleep and then resume (S3). If there are any hangs, reset or other problems, see "What To Do".
  10. If all is well, put an entry in the table below - fill in the details as best as possible. Set all P/F fields to P.

What To Do:

Put an entry in the table below and mark what failed. P/F is for anything prior to step 7 or if there is an unsealing error during powering back on in step 7. S5 P/F is for step 7, S4 P/F is for S4 and S3 P/F is for step 9. In the details field, note what was observed. A decision will be made later if a ticket should be created, at which time more information about the failure(s) may be requested.

Test Results (w/ Workaround):

VendorModelTCPU Arch.FW/BIOS Ver.Processors(s)MemoryP/FS5 P/FS4 P/FS3 P/F


DellE6430 ATGLIvy BridgeA16Core i5-3360M8GPPPPext-300;
DellOptiplex XE2DHaswellA10Core i5-4570S16GPPPPext-300;
DellE7440LHaswellA08, A15Core i7-4600U8GPP Fext-300; "creation or verification of S3 measurements failed" - this is a different failure mode - needs investigation. Tried a firmware uprev but no luck. Earlier test below showed this was broken with 1.7.0 too.
LenovoT440LHaswellGJET75WW (2.25)Core i5-4300U4GPPPPext-300;
DellE6540LHaswellA14Core i7-4800M8GPPPPext-300;
HPEliteBook 850 G1LHaswellL71 01.30Core i7-4600U16GPP Pext-300;
HP800 G1 SFFDHaswellL01 A.02.23Core i5-45708GPPPPext-300;
HP8300DIvy BridgeK01 02.51Core i5-347016GPPPFext-300; On resume, TXT reset the system during GETSEC[SENTER]. I don't think this is a regression - I think this system has always had problems.

EliteBook 2760p

LSandy BridgeF.42Core i5-2540M4GPPPPext-300;

EliteBook 2170p

LIvy BridgeF.00Core i5-3427U4GPPPFext-300; It looks like the system reset on resume from S3. Since I have no serial output it is hard to tell but I would bet it goes down during GETSEC[SENTER]. I tried to uprev the firmware to F.61 (latest) but short of installing Windows on it I can't manage to do the update. I believe the problem is the extremely old firmware though.
DellOptiplex 9010DIvy BridgeA05 -> A20Core i7-37708GPPPPext-300; The system originally had the Dell 0xffffffff TXT error code bug in firmware. The uprev to A20 fixed that.
HPRevolve 810 G2LHaswellL86 01.30Core i7-4600U8GPP Pext-300;
HPZ840WHaswell?M60 01.58Xeon E5-2630 v396GBP


P FS3 failing with tboot error in Observation 1, similar observation on tboot 1.7
DellLatitude E7350TBroadwellA06Core M-5Y718GBPPPFSleep failures indeterminate due to lack of serial connection. Only get a black screen upon attempting to sleep, no current method to further diagnose.
HPZBook 14 G2LBroadwellM71 1.09Core i7-5600U16GBPPPFSleep failures indeterminate due to lack of serial connection. Only get a black screen upon attempting to sleep, no current method to further diagnose.
DellDell Optiplex 980DIvy BridgeA12Intel i7-377010GBPP Pext-300;
DellDell Latitude 14 7000 (e7450)LBroadwellA03Intel 5th Gen i5-5200U8GBPP F

ext-300; S3 failing, once the machine is put to sleep it can not be revived, without a force off, which then displays a TXT error.

RJP: these 2 broadwells - are they coming back form S3 at all - is there any serial logging after the resume is initiated?

DellDell Latitude 14 7000 (e7450)LBroadwellA03Intel 5th Gen i7-5600U8GBPP Fext-300; S3 failing, once the machine is put to sleep it can not be revived, without a force off, which then displays a TXT error. "TXT Measured boot failed"
DellDell Latitude E6540LHaswellA13Intel i7-4610M8GBPP F

ext-300; S3 failing. once the machine is put to sleep it can not be revived, without a force off, which then displays a TXT error. "TXT Measured boot failed"

RJP: I tested an E6540 above and it worked with a newer FW version - may want to try this.

DellOptiPlex 7010DIvy BridgeA20Intel i7-37708GBPP Pext-300;
DellOptiPlex 9020 SFFDHaswellA09Intel i5-457018GBPP Pext-300;
DellOptiPlex 9020 MTDHaswellA09Intel i7-477012GBPP Pext-300;
HPHP EliteDesk 800 G1 TowerDHaswellL01 V02.53 RevAIntel i7-477032GBPPWE Pext-300; Measure launch failed after shutdown and restart. The machine was then restarted again and measured launch was enabled. 
HPHP Compaq Elite 8200DSandy BridgeJ01 V02.15Intel i5-250014 GBPP Pext-300;
HPHP Pro x2 612THaswellM83 V01.03Intel Core I5-4302Y8GBFF Fext-300; Installer just sits at the first screen, downloading files. Then attempted to install both network and CD, and on the dock and off the dock.
HPHP Elite 1011 x2TBroadwellM72 V.01.03Intel Core M-5Y718GBFF F

ext-300; The installer warns that VTX is turned off, while in the BIOS it is not. 

NOTE: this is likely a firmware issue beyond our control and not strictly a TXT/TBOOT failure.

HPHP Z230WHaswellL51 V01.51Intel Xeon E3-1225-v3416GBPP Pext-300;
HPEliteBook Folio 9470MLIvy Bridge68IBD Ver.F.60Intel Core i5-3437U8GBPP Pext-300;
HPZ820WHaswellJ63 V03.85Intel Xeon Processor E5-2600130GBPP Fext-300; Error message displays during the install that states this system might not be compatible with OXT. failed at S3, system will not resume unless it is forced off and restart.
NCSVortexWHaswell1804Intel I7-477016GBPP Pext-300;
NCSStratusDIvy BridgeF3b1GAIntel I7-377032 GBFF F

ext-300; Unable to Clear the TPM, This is a frequent issue with the stratus.

NOTE: this is likely a firmware issue beyond our control and not strictly a TXT/TBOOT failure.


  1. HP Z840

    TBOOT: ******************* TBOOT *******************
    TBOOT: 2015-05-08 12:00 -0800 1.8.3
    TBOOT: *********************************************
    TBOOT: command line: min_ram=0x2000000 loglvl=all serial=115200,8n1,0x3f8 logging=serial,memory
    TBOOT: resume from S3
    TBOOT: BSP is cpu 0
    TBOOT: TPM: TPM Family 0x0
    TBOOT: TPM: get capability, return value = 0000001C
    TBOOT: TPM is disabled or deactivated.
    TBOOT: TPM not ready.
    TBOOT: TPM: read nv index 20000002 offset 00000000, return value = 0000001C
    TBOOT: Error: read TPM error: 0x1c.
    TBOOT: No need to hide DMAR table.
    TBOOT: creation or verification of S3 measurements failed.
    TBOOT: An error had occurred on this launch or the previous.

Old Test Results:

VendorModelTCPU Arch.FW/BIOS Ver.Processors(s)MemoryP/FS5 P/FS3 P/F


DellE6440LHaswellA01Core i7-4600M8GPPFWith the new tboot, it hangs in tboot on resume. Eventually it times out, resets the system and does an unmeasured launch.
LenovoT440LHaswellGJET75WW (2.25)Core i5-4300U4GPPFThe new tboot hangs up in S3 - not clear if it is going into S3 or coming out. The power button is slowly blinking like it is in S3 but pressing it does nothing.
DellE7440LHaswellA08Core i7-4600U8GPPFWith the new tboot, it hangs in tboot on resume. Eventually it times out, resets the system and does an unmeasured launch. Testing with 1.7.0 tboot, tboot resets the system on resume so it is broken in both versions, just differently.
DellE6430 ATGLIvy BridgeA16Core i5-3360M8GPPFWith the new tboot, it resets the system and does an unmeasured launch.
HPEliteBook 850 G1LHaswellL71 01.30Core i7-4600U16GPPFThe new tboot hangs up in S3 - not clear if it is going into S3 or coming out. It causes the power button to flash quickly while "in" S3. Tested with tboot 1.7.0 and S3 worked fine. Regression
DellE6540LHaswellA14Core i7-4800M8GPPFWith the new tboot, it resets the system and does an unmeasured launch (may do the timeout thing too).
HPZBook 14 G2LBroadwellM71 01.04Core i7-5600U16GPPFS3 fails to show display on resume. Blindly bringing up UIVM terminal, loggin in, issuing reboot caused system to reboot. Measured launch failure on warm boot, succeeded on cold boot.
Dell9010DIvy BridgeA05Core i7-37708GF  Died on first reboot after install with an error "TXT measued boot failed"
HP8300DIvy BridgeK01 02.51Core i5-347016GPPFOn resume, TXT reset the system during GETSEC[SENTER].
HPZ840WHaswell?M60 01.58Xeon E5-2630 v396GBF  txt-stat states that TXT not enabled. Old tboot says that TXT is enabled
DellXE2DHaswellA10Core i5-4570S16GPPFSame hang on resume as other Dells. Eventually it times out and resets the system. It resumes fine with a 1.7.0 tboot. Regression.
HP800 G1 SFFDHaswellL01 A.02.23Core i5-45708GPPFWith the new tboot, it hangs in tboot on resume. Eventually it times out, resets the system and does an unmeasured launch.



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