Installation non-regression testing

Installation non-regression testing

Installation with an optical drive (CD-ROM)

Test cases

Installation Load and Initialisation


Save and compare logs

Finish installation


Installation with USB flash drive

Test cases

Installation Load and Initialisation


Save and compare logs

Finish installation

Creation guest 1 - disk not encrypted - disk persistence

Test cases

Create VM with no Disk Encryption

Open terminal as sysadm

New VM listed by xec-vm command

Verify disk files (No encryption)

Configure guest to boot on Network

Start guest on network

Copy vhd file to /storage/disks

Start guest (boot on Hard disk)

OpenXT tools installation on Windows guests

< Shut Down > from OS

Set the Persistence parameter to Enabled


Creation guest 2 - disk not encrypted - disk persistence disabled

Test cases

Create VM with no Disk Encryption

Open terminal as sysadm

New VM listed by xec-vm command

Verify disk files (No encryption)

Configure guest to boot on CD Drive

Sata CD-ROM / USB CD-ROM plugged

Assign CD-ROM device to guest

Start guest on CD-ROM and proceed with installation

OpenXT tools installation on Windows guests

< Shut Down > from OS

Set the Persistence parameter to Disabled


Creation guest 3 - disk encrypted AES-128 - disk persistence enabled

Test cases

Copy isos to /storage/isos/

Create VM with AES-128 Disk Encryption

Open terminal as sysadm

New VM listed by xec-vm command

Verify disk encryption AES-128 files

Configure guest to boot on a virtual CD Drive

Start guest on CD-ROM and proceed with installation

OpenXT tools installation on Windows guests

< Shut Down > from OS

Set the Persistence parameter to Enabled


Creation guest 4 - disk encrypted AES-256 - disk persistence disabled

Test cases

Copy isos to /storage/isos/

Create VM with AES-256 Disk Encryption

Open terminal as sysadm

New VM listed by xec-vm command

Verify disk encryption AES-256 files

Configure guest to boot on a virtual CD Drive

Start guest on CD-ROM and proceed with installation

OpenXT tools installation on Windows guests

< Shut Down > from OS

Set the Persistence parameter to Disabled