Community Call - July 23 2015
Dial-In Information
July 23, 2015 at 1:00PM (EDT)
Dial-in number: 857-216-2410
PIN: 86838
What are folks using OpenXT for?
OpenXT Versioning: Everything is just 4.0.0?!?
Jed: Quick overview and status of my partial rewrite of the vusb daemon (
Eric: Update on Linux 3.18 upgrade.
Kevin: RFC and PR Ratification, when and how are topics approved for consideration/inclusion?
- Change future call times to 8 AM Pacific / 11 AM Eastern / 4 PM UK to accomodate UK/European attendees.
- Policy on copyright attribution for new files and existing files
Future topics?
Meeting Notes
Action Items
Rich: (1) RFC for code contributions, (2) Confluence page for all RFCs and lifecycle stages
Chris: RFC for requesting version bumps / branching
Phil: Change future call times to 8 AM Pacific / 11 AM Eastern
Phil White - AIS
Kyle Temkin - AIS
Rian Quinn - AIS
Chris Patterson - AIS
Brendan Kerrigan - AIS
Eric Chanudet - AIS
Jed Lejosne - AIS
Rich Persaud - Personal
Earl Wong - BAH
Philip Tricca - Personal
Kevin Pearson - AFRL