2018-08-16 OpenXT Monthly Community Call minutes

2018-08-16 OpenXT Monthly Community Call minutes


Aug 17, 2018


  • @Eric Chanudet

  • @Jed

  • @Mahantesh Salimath

  • @Christopher Clark

  • @Kevin Pearson

  • @Daniel Smith

  • @Rich Persaud

  • @Tim Konick

Discussion items







OpenXT 8.0.1 Release


  • tboot upgrade under way, needs testing and requires associated micro-version upgrade of Linux kernel. Aiming for inclusion in 8.0.1 OpenXT release at the end of August.

  • XSA-273: There are additional Xen fixes pending, which are unlikely to be ready for 8.0.1. We will issue a release note that includes XSA, CVE and OpenXT JIRA issue numbers. Further details can be communicated in the JIRA ticket.

  • RC date: tentatively next week, after outstanding PRs are merged

  • 8.0.2 release with XSA-273 fixes is targeted for end of September.

OpenXT 6.x and stable-6 branch


  • Although a release manager was previously nominated, there have been no changes to this branch in some time. Recommend that it be formally moved to unsupported status. No objections received.

OpenXT Base Platform and 9.0 Roadmap


  • See presentation slide: OpenXT9-Roadmap-Persaud.pdf

  • Proposed rebasing a subset of OpenXT components onto upstream OpenEmbedded and Xen master branches, to use upstream improvements being made by OpenXT and other contributors. This will enable continuous integration with upstream, so we can evaluate and improve new features before they are finalized and shipped in an upstream release. See roadmap slide for cross-project alignment of timelines.

  • The rebased components will prototype an “OpenXT Base Platform” to support multiple use cases, including Client, Server, NFV and IoT. Use-case specific layers would be maintained by contributors with relevant derivatives. This initial prototype will help to focus the definition of OpenXT Base Platform properties.

  • Existing xenclient-oe (“OpenXT Legacy Client”) will continue in parallel and we can cherry-pick changes to/from the meta-openxt-platform and meta-openxt-temporal layers. The latter is intended for transient changes that are not yet upstream.

  • This is an initial proposal to move the community forward on the base platform concept that was first proposed by @Ross Philipsonin 2016. Alternate approaches and feedback are encouraged, on the mailing list in advance of next month’s community call.

WAMP, https://wamp-proto.org


  • See presentation slides: WAMP-rfc-Smith.pdf

  • WAMP is recommended in place of the previously presented Apache Thrift

Action items

Everyone: review “Base Platform” and 9.0 roadmap and provide comments to the mailing list in advance of the September monthly call
@Eric Chanudet Identify possible contributors for a new “Client” layer that will build on the proposed OpenXT Base Platform layers and upstream OpenEmbedded master


  1. Start time for community call moved from 11am to 2pm Eastern
  2. Use Zoom conferencing service, provides shared display for triage/slides, good audio
  3. OpenXT stable-6 branch will be moved to unsupported status
  4. OpenXT Base Platform layers will be based on upstream OpenEmbedded master and co-exist with OpenXT “Legacy Client” xenclient-oe
  5. OpenXT Base Platform layers will have a dedicated maintainer
  6. OpenXT Base Platform layers will retain xenclient-oe history
  7. OpenXT 9.0 OpenEmbedded components should be uprev’ed beyond Pyro
  8. OpenXT 9.0 Xen components should be uprev’ed to Xen 4.12 for Argo (v4v) improvements

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