Discussion Topics

Discussion Topics

This page is open for all OpenXT Summit attendees to contribute questions and topics for Day 2 (Wed 8th June 2016) discussion, e.g.

  • Decisions to be made at the Summit, while we have many OpenXT stakeholders present
  • Timelines and dependencies for development projects which involve multiple teams
  • Implementation questions which span multiple project components
  • Prioritizing potential areas of research and new feature development

If you need a JIRA account, please email the OpenXT mailing list.



09:00 Base Platform, Disaggregated dom0

09:30 Layers and Modular Build

  •  What if we were to think of OpenXT as a modular reference platform with an OE layer per platform subsystem, eg. display, network, control, etc.?
  • Are we utilizing the OE/Bitbake build framework to its full ability?
  • Should the versioning of subsystem components be locked in step with platform releases?
  • Are the current build scripts conducive to development, new-comers, implementers?

10:00 Display Architectures, UX

11:00 Upstream Xen, Qemu, OpenEmbedded, meta-virtualization, meta-openxt

11:30 Governance, Security Disclosure Process

13:00 UEFI, SecureBoot, TPM2, Virtual TPM, VMCS Shadowing

13:30 Access Control (XSM/Flask, SELinux, v4v firewall, rpc-proxy, and more!)

14:00 Tablets, Mobility, Embedded and ARM

14:30 Use Case Spectrum, NIAP Protection Profiles

  • OpenXT Web pages has minimal information on use cases listed.

  • We need to expand our user base.

  • What use cases can we propose to entice new platform users/developers?

  • NIAP has a published Server Virtualization Protection Profile (SVPP) and is creating a new

    Client Virtual Protection Profile (CVPP) for non-baseband(no phones) devices based off the SVPP.

15:20 Platform APIs, Ecosystem Interfaces, Compatibility, HCL

16:00 2016 Roadmap and Timeline

Copyright 2016 by multiple contributors. Created by Rich Persaud. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.