Discussion Topics
Discussion Topics
This page is open for all OpenXT Summit attendees to contribute questions and topics for Day 2 (Wed 8th June 2016) discussion, e.g.
- Decisions to be made at the Summit, while we have many OpenXT stakeholders present
- Timelines and dependencies for development projects which involve multiple teams
- Implementation questions which span multiple project components
- Prioritizing potential areas of research and new feature development
If you need a JIRA account, please email the OpenXT mailing list.
09:00 Base Platform, Disaggregated dom0
09:30 Layers and Modular Build
- What if we were to think of OpenXT as a modular reference platform with an OE layer per platform subsystem, eg. display, network, control, etc.?
- Are we utilizing the OE/Bitbake build framework to its full ability?
- Should the versioning of subsystem components be locked in step with platform releases?
- Are the current build scripts conducive to development, new-comers, implementers?
10:00 Display Architectures, UX
11:00 Upstream Xen, Qemu, OpenEmbedded, meta-virtualization, meta-openxt
11:30 Governance, Security Disclosure Process
13:00 UEFI, SecureBoot, TPM2, Virtual TPM, VMCS Shadowing
13:30 Access Control (XSM/Flask, SELinux, v4v firewall, rpc-proxy, and more!)
- Unifying access control in OpenXT
- Improving the use of XSM/Flask
- Leveraging SELinux more fully
- Modular policy and policy management
- rpc-proxy and v4v firewall
- See https://groups.google.com/d/msg/openxt/d129H_ZzSdM/pxszjXmwOQAJ for a longer description.
14:00 Tablets, Mobility, Embedded and ARM
14:30 Use Case Spectrum, NIAP Protection Profiles
OpenXT Web pages has minimal information on use cases listed.
We need to expand our user base.
What use cases can we propose to entice new platform users/developers?
NIAP has a published Server Virtualization Protection Profile (SVPP) and is creating a new
Client Virtual Protection Profile (CVPP) for non-baseband(no phones) devices based off the SVPP.- Using the SVPP topics as a template, what areas of the new protection Profile are of interest?
- https://www.niap-ccevs.org/pp/pp_sv_v1.1.pdf
15:20 Platform APIs, Ecosystem Interfaces, Compatibility, HCL
16:00 2016 Roadmap and Timeline
, multiple selections available,
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