New Linux Driver for Argo

New Linux Driver for Argo


There are multiple reference code bases for a Linux driver for Argo.

  1. OpenXT's current Linux Argo driver took the OpenXT v4v driver as a starting point, updated to use Argo interfaces.
    The code for this driver, "argo-linux", is in this OpenXT repository: https://github.com/OpenXT/linux-xen-argo
    It presents a character device that has a socket-like interface implemented with ioctls.

  2. Eric implemented a new vsock driver with datagram support, "vsock-argo", merged from PR#1 to the same OpenXT linux-xen-argo repository:

  3. HP/Bromium’s latest Open Source uXen VM support software for Linux guests is available here:
    It includes two modern v4v drivers that work together:
    1. a v4v library driver, uxenv4vlib, which:
      1. registers for the interrupt line
      2. performs basic ring operations
      3. provides an interface to kernel drivers for querying for the space available in a remote ring ("uxen_v4v_notify_space").
    2. a simple v4v vsock driver, v4vvsock, which:
      1. registers a vsock driver (AF_vsock)
      2. provides a datagram interface only. It is simple - eg. provides no ioctls.

  4. Previous attempts at cleaning up v4v:

Consolidated Design Notes

( please see the comments on OXT-1473 where individual inputs have been given )

On the driver:

  • Argo is now in upstream Xen and correspondingly the Linux driver needs to be prepared for upstreaming to the Linux kernel
  • The driver should expose two separate interfaces: a vsock interface and a character device
    • The driver should be built as a common argo-core – along the lines of uXen's uxenv4vlib –  with both char and vsock drivers then leveraging argo-core
    • Using the existing socket-like interface on the character device does not depend on availability of a network stack
      • Potentially useful for minimal services VMs
      • Change requested: "The char driver behavior should be reduced back to that of a conventional Linux char driver"
    • Xen’s Argo interface will change to support message labeling
    • How should either the vsock or chardev interfaces support Argo-specific functionality?
      • ie. Is the chardev interface the correct interface between userspace and the kernel to provide support for Argo-specific, non-traditional character device, functionality?
        • eg. Configuring ring size
  • The proposal for an Argo name service will need consideration of how names interact with this driver.
  • The Argo firewall is currently not in upstream Xen, pending implementation of bi-directional connection tracking in OpenXT before upstreaming. The Linux driver is used to access and configure the firewall.
    • The firewall functions should be moved into a separate Linux driver.

Summary: the driver will need to provide:

  1. The standard vsock interface

  2. A character device interface

    • either: continuing to provide a socket-like interface for the non-networking use case
    • or: reduced to that of a conventional Linux char driver
    • or: both, but KCONFIG applied to separate the basic char driver functions from the optional socket-like interface support
  3. Either vsock or chardev extended interface

    • to access Argo-specific functions (eg. configure ring size; eg. manage firewall rules)
    • to provide MAC context data, eg. 32-bit field for the SID with arriving message data if decided that userspace should have this context presented this way with arriving data

On userspace:

  • libargo can provide a single userspace library that is able to utilize either the chardev or vsock kernel interfaces
  • To use the vsock driver interface, userspace apps would typically require modification to be vsock-aware
    • Some projects already support vsock, e.g. python.
  • Continued use of LD_PRELOAD with the existing Argo interposer library is unwanted
    • For existing apps that use network protocols, socat (socket proxy) performs a similar role for vsock as the interposer library does for the current Argo driver
      • socat should have a smaller attack surface since it does not use LD_PRELOAD
    • UIVM has many uses of LD_PRELOAD
      • These userspace apps could be modified to support vsock, and the patches submitted to upstream projects


  • For the current chardev driver: PR#4 on the OpenXT bats-suite repository contains basic initial BATS test cases for Argo.
  • For the vsock-argo driver: has a test utility "hatch" to exercise datagram transfers over vsock through Argo.
    • "Simple test tool to send/recv things over vsock through Argo and ease testing. It tries to mimic netcat usage to not look too unfamiliar. socat should be able to achieve the same, with a steeper learning curve. This will be made easier once STREAM communication are implemented I would think."
  • For the uXen v4v driver: a very simple C program is provided that runs two threads, with a bind, a connect and sending data from one to the other.

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