OpenXT Platform Architecture [ DRAFT ] [ xtopher-v2 ]

OpenXT Platform Architecture [ DRAFT ] [ xtopher-v2 ]

<< Document needs significant work. >>

Current Use Cases

  • Provide the software platform for a Multi-Tenant Client Desktop. 

  • Provide the software platform for a hardened Single-VM endpoint.

  • Be the best-in-class Open Source toolchain for support of measured launch into a manageable virtualized environment.

  • Provide a compelling platform for research and academic projects on hardware-based security technologies.

  • Production software environment for validation of new hardware-based security technologies.


Technology applied to implement and provide Platform Properties


<< Below are not currently properties and they are technology-specific. Some aspects of this list may belong in the Platform Security Architecture document. >>


  • Measured Launch to detect tampering with core system software and protect the confidentiality of data on the system.
  • Disaggregated network functionality to isolate privileged device drivers, VPN software, credentials and user applications and data.
  • Enforcing SELinux and XSM policies to protect platform components.
  • Containment and isolation of VM device model processes with stub domains.
  • Support for modern Windows guest operating systems.
  • Support for modern Linux guest operating system distributions, including Debian and OpenEmbedded.
  • Extensible base platform, architected to support production of branded commercial derivatives with optional proprietary extensions.
  • Interoperability of base platform with guest VMs, providing developers with consistent mechanisms for packaging, deployment and operational support on validated commercial derivatives (validated and versioned interfaces include guest PV drivers).
  • Consistent upgrade mechanism for base platform with defined interoperability properties with optional proprietary extensions.
  • Defined OEM hardware compatibility with stable releases of base platform and commercial derivatives, validated by manual and/or automated testing.
  • Constructed from OSI-certified Open Source software. <<To do: this statement needs checking and possibly qualifying against the current project code. eg. Intel SINIT modules, etc. >>
  • << To do: Add more here >> 


License of this Document


Copyright 2016 by individual contributors. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No-Derivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/.



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