xl Old Manual Method

xl Old Manual Method

Copyright 2016 by Assured Information Security, Inc. Created by Ross Philipson <philipsonr@ainfosec.com>. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

Manual Installation of LibXL and XL

General note, backup anything that will be changed as you go. This was done using the stable-5 branch.

Need to have serial terminal to get things done.

Disable SELinux and XSM.

Re-enable grub editing:
set edit_and_shell=1
set timeout=5


Get asix packages before losing network.

Move ndvm and uivm vhds so they can't start.

Reboot, move wire

Install asix stuff and get network in dom0, see above.

Need to rebuild QEMU without fprintf redirect rubbish in logging.h
Copy over.

In recipes-extended/xen/xen-tools.bb add at the bottom of compile and install:
        oe_runmake -C tools subdir-all-libaio
        oe_runmake -C tools subdir-all-blktap2
        oe_runmake -C tools subdir-all-libxl

        oe_runmake -C tools subdir-install-libaio
        oe_runmake -C tools subdir-install-blktap2
        oe_runmake -C tools subdir-install-libxl

Rebuild xen-tools.

When I did a makeclean I had to use devshell and a ./configure to make it work.
Better to use cleansstate

Tarred up image dir and overwrote all the relevant binaries and created symlinks.
Note new ver: ln -fs libblktapctl.so.1.0.0 libblktapctl.so.1.0

Get all the goodies from lmo:/media/Goodies/xlwork in a work dir.

Use the /usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-system-i386 wrapper that gets the args right.
chmod a+x on wrapper.
Use the xl configs we have made.

Create a log dir /var/log/xen
Create a lib dir /var/lib/xen

For now we have to be rw
Need to retap a tapdev0
Create a /tmp/domid file with 1 in it to start


This tool does a lot of the manual work above. To go this route first install git then get the repo:
$ opkg install git_1.7.7-r2_core2.ipk
$ cd /storage
$ git clone git://github.com/rossphilipson/travail.git