This configures how the toolstack handles requests to put a VM to S3. Note that this doesn't affect requests made from within guest, but just requests originating from the UI / closing the laptopt laptop lid etc. It can be one of the following:
- XenMgr/Connect/* - wrappers to access other daemons in the system
- XenMgr/Expose/* - entry points for all xenmgr's dbus server rpcs
- XenMgr/CdLock.hs - relatively new code for handling the AFRL request cd drive lock model
- XenMgr/Config.hs - global xenmgr config storage/query
- XenMgr/Diagnostics.hs - gathering status reports from vms + other diagnostics
- XenMgr/Diskmgr.hs - vhd creation
- XenMgr/Errors.hs - definition of numbered errors reported to the UI
- XenMgr/Host.hs - lots of host level query functions (eth0 mac adreesesadresses, bios versions, xc versions, update state etc)
- XenMgr/HostOps.hs - host shutdown/sleesleep/hibernate/reboot entry points
- XenMgr/PowerManagement.hs - actual implementation of host shutdown/sleep/hibernate/reboot etc plus code to handle lid state changes
- XenMgr/Notify.hs - wrappers for easier generation of various dbus signals
- XenMgr/Rpc.hs - definition of Rpc monad used in xenmgr for dbus access
- XenMgr/XM.hs - definition of XM monad based on reader monad containing context forall vms. Useful for doing some cross vm interactions which require locking / synchronization