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The Community Conference Call is public and open to all members of the OpenXT community.

Notification of the Community Conference Call should be sent to the mailing list at a time between one week and one day prior to the call. The Notification shall include the timing of the call and the telephone access information for the call.

The Community Call will be hosted by a member of the OpenXT community.

Project Governance Board

The OpenXT Project shall have a Governance Board of seven appointed individuals.


The Board may issue a binding resolution on any decision which affects the OpenXT software platform, shared resources or development practices, project, including but not limited to:

  • Software Platform and all OpenXT Platform Layers
  • Project Assets
  • Development practices

where lazy consensus is not achievable via community dialogue, the mailing list RFC process and monthly community call.

Layer creation and changes can be proposed via the "Project Changes" process defined in those documents.


Board members are expected to fairly interpret this document and to objectively apply the documented principles for the benefit of the OpenXT project and all contributors. All OpenXT Platform Layers are subject to OpenXT Governance as defined in the project Governance Documents.  Layer creation and changes can be proposed via the "Project Changes" process defined in those documents.

Board Formation

An initial body of a seven individuals will be formed by community agreement.
