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The Community Conference Call is public and open to all members of the OpenXT community.

Notification of the Community Conference Call should be sent to the mailing list at a time between one week and one day prior to the call. The Notification shall include the timing of the call and the telephone access information for the call.

The Community Call will be hosted by a member of the OpenXT community.

Project Governance Board

The OpenXT Project shall have a Governance Board of seven appointed individuals.


System Administrators maintain and manage the project infrastructure systems, such as group email lists, hosting of source code repositories, defect tracking systems, etc.


Responsibilities of System Administrators


  • Implement relevant OpenXT Project decisions as recorded by the Board. 
  • Seek discussion of significant proposed system changes that require consensus by the Community. 
  • Monitor mailing list postings that are relevant to the administered systems and reply when appropriate.  

  • Monitor the administered systems for community interactions and engage with them. 

  • Perform system administration actions in a timely fashion, including actions to ensure the continued availability and integrity of the systems.


Derivatives and Compatible Works
