Info |
The Community Conference Call is public and open to all members of the OpenXT community.
Notification of the Community Conference Call should be sent to the mailing list at a time between one week and one day prior to the call. The Notification shall include the timing of the call and the telephone access information for the call.
The Community Call will be hosted by a member of the OpenXT community.
Project Governance Board
The OpenXT Project shall have a Governance Board of seven appointed individuals.
The Board will assist the community by providing guidance and recommendations on direction of work that will increase the potential for consensus to be obtained to accept technical changes within the project. Proposed technical changes will be described in Request For Comment (RFC) documents. RFC documents should adhere to the template for these established within the project. Changes to the OpenXT Platform Properties and the OpenXT Platform Architecture should also follow the same RFC Process. ( To do: RFC definition doc to be linked from here. )
This diagram illustrates the decision making process for change proposals.
Consensus Building Process
- Ensure that minutes are taken for each Community Call meeting, and
- Send the minutes of the meeting to the mailing list, and
- Archive a public copy of the minutes to the project wiki.
Additional Project Roles
A public process for appointing community members to these additional project roles shall be established and revised when necessary by using the Project Change process described in this document.
Repository Maintainers, Source Code Committers
Repository Maintainers, Source Code Committers are the gatekeepers, managers and performers of updates to the canonical copies of the project software source code.
Appointment of Repository Maintainers, Source Code Committers
Changes to Repository Maintainers, Source Code Committers
Responsibilities of Repository Maintainers, Source Code Committers
- Implements OpenXT Project decisions as recorded by the Board.
- Seek discussion of significant proposed changes that require consensus by the Community.
Monitor mailing list postings that are relevant to RFCs and Pull Requests and reply when appropriate.
Monitor the repositories for Pull Requests and comments and engages with them.
- Apply the Pull Request Process and perform the actual approval or rejection actions of PRs to the source code repositories.
System Administrators
System Administrators maintain and manage the project infrastructure systems, such as group email lists, hosting of source code repositories, defect tracking systems, etc.
Responsibilities of System Administrators
- JIRA and Confluence
- Github
- Google Groups
- Implement relevant OpenXT Project decisions as recorded by the Board.
- << To do: Add more here and outline role responsibilities of each>>
- Seek discussion of significant proposed system changes that require consensus by the Community.
Monitor mailing list postings that are relevant to the administered systems and reply when appropriate.
Monitor the administered systems for community interactions and engage with them.
- Perform system administration actions in a timely fashion, including actions to ensure the continued availability and integrity of the systems.
Derivatives and Compatible Works