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  • To support, provide, enable and promote collaboration on the development of the OpenXT Platform, that is:
    • An Open-Source software development toolkit for use on modern hardware.
    • An integrated body of software that provides virtualization technology with high assurance security properties that are rooted in the platform hardware. 
    • A collection of modular, composable software components that can be used by derivative projects as a basis to extend upon and target to their use cases.
  • To organize, hold and conduct meetings, discussions and forums on issues relevant to the development of the OpenXT Platform.
  • To engage with upstream software projects and contribute developments with the dual aims of increasing the use of OpenXT technologies and decreasing the specialization of OpenXT.
  • To foster work that raises the security capabilities of the OpenXT Platform and upstream projects.
  • To ensure that the OpenXT Current Use Cases and the OpenXT Platform Properties are maintained by the project Platform and are satisfied via the OpenXT Platform Architecture.
  • To actively pursue additional Use Cases where the OpenXT technology is relevant and the attraction of additional contributors would follow from adding support for a new Use Case.


Platform Properties

The OpenXT Project Platform provides:
  • Compatibility with modern hardware and operating systems.
  • Loose Coupling of components, including open-source and proprietary.
  • Verifiable Measurements of hardware and software.
  • Verified Launch of derived works  


  • .

Further detail is available in the OpenXT Platform Properties document.

Derivatives and Compatible Works

Derivative Works may include or modify OpenXT Platform Components, relying on OpenXT Platform Properties to make assurances for diverse markets and use cases. Derivative works are developed and governed independently of the OpenXT Project. Developers of derivative works can propose technical changes to the OpenXT Platform using the process defined by "Project Changes" in this document. 

Compatible Works use OpenXT Platform Properties to make validated assurances. A list of Compatible Works and their validated assurances will be published in OpenXT Project documentation. Compatible works are developed and governed independently of the OpenXT Project. Developers of Compatible Works can propose technical changes to the OpenXT Platform using the process defined by "Project Changes" in this provided in the OpenXT Platform Properties document.

Project Meetings

The OpenXT Project shall hold monthly telephone Community Conference Call meetings on the third Thursday of every month at 4pm UTC. If the date of the call falls upon a legal holiday then an alternative date may be selected.

The Community Conference Call is public and open to all members of the OpenXT community.

Notification of the Community Conference Call should be sent to the mailing list at a time between one week and one day prior to the call. The Notification shall include the timing of the call and the telephone access information for the call.

The Community Call will be hosted by a member of the OpenXT community.

Project Governance Board

The OpenXT Project shall have a Governance Board of seven appointed individuals.


  • JIRA and Confluence
  • Github
  • Google Groups
  • << To do: Add more here and outline role responsibilities of each>> 


Derivatives and Compatible Works


Derivative Works may include or modify OpenXT Platform Components, relying on OpenXT Platform Properties to make assurances for diverse markets and use cases. Derivative works are developed and governed independently of the OpenXT Project. Developers of derivative works can propose technical changes to the OpenXT Platform using the process defined by "Project Changes" in this document. 


Compatible Works use OpenXT Platform Properties to make validated assurances. A list of Compatible Works and their validated assurances will be published in OpenXT Project documentation. Compatible works are developed and governed independently of the OpenXT Project. Developers of Compatible Works can propose technical changes to the OpenXT Platform using the process defined by "Project Changes" in this document.


Governance Document and Board Structure Amendments
